
In Serranas we seek excellence in the agri-food sector, which is why we promote innovation to our clients with biofertilizers, agro-inputs and with the production of plants that allow them to be more sustainable.


Asociaciones Agroindustriales Serranas bring a portfolio of protection and nutrition for the cultivation of coffee, allspice and cacao, which are leaders worldwide as ES Yara and Syngenta, marking the difference between small and medium producers during production and management. Serranas is helping to acquire fertilizers and agrochemical products at competitive prices in the market that are certification and environmentally friendly. Among the products that have been handled are:

  • High 100
  • Priory Xtra
  • YaraMila Hydran
  • YaraMila Star
  • YaraLiva Nitrabor


Asociaciones Agroindustriales Serranas are committed to the development of organic fertilizers based on raw materials obtained during the process of processing coffee, allspice and cacao. The main products that are developed and tested are:

o Vermicompost: it is a simple and natural system to produce humus / fertilizer, which will be used as fertilizer / agricultural substrate, obtaining with it a greater effectiveness than chemical fertilizers. A significant advantage is its high microbial load that results from the biological activity of the soil. With a neutral pH, the material produced by vermicompost allows an application without risk to affect the crops.

o Leachate of worm humus: An ecological fertilizer resulting from the biochemical and microbiological transformations undergone by the organic solid waste, during the process of ingestion and digestion by the red California worms. This is obtained through an advanced biotechnological process transforming it to an organic liquid of excellent quality to improve and nourish the soils thanks to its high content of humic and fulvic acids, which are easily assimilated by the crops.


Asociaciones Agroindustriales Serranas is dedicated to the production of coffee plants, allspice and cacao plants in nurseries, where a way to increase the quality and yield of crops with ‘ever’ evolving varieties is sought.


The vegetative material is being managed by grafting with a robust pattern of the Maya variety and grafting of the varieties resistant to Roya, as they are; Costa Rica, Sarchimor, Oro Azteca, Marsellesa and Colombia. The management that is given to them in nursery is for 9 months with a balanced nutrition preparing it for its transplant to the farms of the producers.


A selection is made in the facilities of the company, by observing the parent trees with higher productive load and resistance to diseases for the collection of seeds for the plant production process in the nursery. They stay in the nursery for 18 months, where they are given a conventional management with adequate nutrition and preventive phytosanitary methods.


The propagation that is carried out by Asociaciones Agroindustriales Serranas is by grafting, where a selection of productive tree trunks is made of greater resistance to diseases in the facilities of the company. The plant with beneficial characteristics for production is identified. Carmelo C1 (white almond), consists of placing a bud of 1.5 to 2.5 centimetres in length, in four-month-old plants. With a rapid growth the new shoot is obtained in three weeks after the operation and the plastic is removed. Hence, there are three more months for the development of the graft to be ready to go out into the field with proper planning. Obtaining the plants in rainy seasons is important, as this will reduce the loss at the time of transplant.